Rev. Dr. Inetta F. Rogers
Greetings From The President
Welcome! For 54 years, Memphis Inter-Denominational Fellowship, Incorporated (MID Fellowship) has been a champion for youth, the marginalized, education and race relations through its longstanding programs and services. Additionally, MID Fellowship honors the legacy of its founder, Evangelist Nettie B. Rogers, a trailblazer and history maker in ministry who worked untiringly and helped to change convention and conservatism for many. Due to the pandemic, MID Fellowship pivoted in its programming. The 2021 Back to Church School Crusade launched a school supply drive and distributed supplies to Manassas High School and Hawkins Mill Elementary for students in need. We are thankful to our partners who joined us in this effort. The 12 Most Outstanding Women: Honoring Women in Ministry was cancelled, with hopes of rescheduling it for April 2022. MID Fellowship continued to award books scholarships to students at Memphis Theological Seminary and LeMoyne-Owen College
MID Fellowship has awarded over $25,000 in scholarships and stipends over the past 14 years. In 2021, a $20,000 scholarship endowment fund was established to ensure the perpetuity of supporting Christian and public education. We hope you will see this as a crucial and core need in the development of our community and help reach the goal of the endowment fund. You will be joining Christians and civic-minded citizens in helping to build spiritual and moral fiber, thereby producing stronger citizens and a developing a better community. We ask you to donate today.
In Christian love and fellowship,
Rev. Dr. Inetta F. Rogers